How to bring heritage into your home using easy decor pieces




South Africa is rich with heritage – we have a vibrant population of people from different races and backgrounds, each with a story to tell – so why not decorate your home in a way that celebrates your tradition? Just a few key decor pieces can make all the difference.

Get the picture

Paintings, canvas wall art and gallery walls are a great way to bring heritage into your home. Choose scenes, colours and patterns that depict your culture or speak back to your ancestry and style. Not only will this add a bold splash of personality to your space, but you’ll also be supporting the arts. A more budget-friendly idea is to set up a gallery wall using framed family photographs, paying homage to where you come from and where you are heading in life.

Chairing is caring

Furniture is an excellent DIY home decor idea that can change the entire look and feel of a room. Ifchristelle-bourgeois--xOHLRUW4k8-unsplash-1 you have a cupboard, table or chair that has been in your family for generations, now is the time to haul it out and give it a bit of a makeover. If you don’t already own something, ask your relatives if they have anything stored away in the garage – and you might be in luck! Antique shopping is also a fun way to find something that speaks to you, even if it isn’t unique to your heritage. Found a Victorian chair? Turn it into a weekend project by re-upholstering it in local shweshwe fabric or giving it a new lease on life with a lick of paint.

Rug life

Textiles like rugs, quilts and tapestries can bring a beautiful accent to your room but be careful about where you put them. They are often delicate and should not be placed on the floor in high-traffic areas – so why not add them to your existing decor? Drape your traditional tapestry, scarf or shawl over your favourite comfy chair, or use it as a table runner. Colourful, patterned rugs can be hung and make excellent conversation starters.


Don’t be clothes minded

If you have traditional dress clothes that either belong to you or have been handed down, get yourself a secondhand sewing mannequin and put it on display in one of your rooms. It’s a touching way to showcase your beliefs and traditions while also adding something striking to your room.

Centre of attention

stephanie-harvey-OTUahHcqs0Y-unsplashDo you have keepsakes or unique memorabilia that you hold close to your heart?

Interesting clay vases, trinket boxes, sculptures or hand-carved pieces deserve pride of place in your home, so use them as table centrepieces or display them on shelves. Not sure if you have anything? Now is the time to think outside of the box. Maybe you have a favourite recipe that has been passed down – get one of your family members to write it out for you so you can frame it and hang it in the kitchen.

Flower power

Many of our memories are linked to scent. The smell of the earth under your feet, the roses in your grandparents’ backyard or maybe the fynbos in the heat of summer. Add plants or flowers to your home or garden that are native to where you are from or are reminiscent of your childhood. That sense of familiarity will bring great calm and happiness to your space. 

Bringing heritage into your home can result in an extraordinary combination of modern and historic. It is also a wonderful way to embrace your past, present and future and share it with others. Don’t think of it as transforming your space – it’s more about making your space truly yours!

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