6 New Year’s Resolutions for your Home




At the start of every year, most of us are eager to set goals for our health, careers, finances — but what about our homes? Here are some easy home improvement ideas to get 2018 off to a good start.

1. Get rid of the clutter

The festive season may be the time of plenty — but January is the time to simplify.

Every year, we accumulate mountains of unnecessary things that clutter up our cupboards and leave our homes feeling tired and dated. That pile of receipts in your entrance hall drawer, for example, or that rusty gym equipment under the stairs, and that vase from grandma you’re hoping will break… It’s time for them all to go.


Keep only those things that speak to your heart,says author Marie Kondo in her bestseller, TheLife-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest.


This may sound like an extreme approach to decluttering but you’ll be amazed at how getting rid of those things you don’t need or use can give both you and your home a fresh lease on life.

2. Resolve to reduce, reuse, recycle

We all know the importance of reducing our waste but when life gets busy it’s easy to forget and resort to the convenience of plastic bottles and grocery bags.

Now’s the time to drastically reduce your household waste by introducing a few zero-waste habits into your home:

  • Invest in reusable water bottles, grocery totes, cloth bags, jars and bottles
  • Buy in bulk wherever you can
  • Shop the farmer’s market where your veggies will be free of plastic coverings
  • Compost all your food scraps
  • Keep reusable shopping bags in your car all the time

For more ideas on how you can reduce waste in your home, visit www.zerowastehome.com.

3. Create a cleaning and maintenance calendar

Most of us vow that this will be the year we’ll stay on top of our home maintenance game, but somehow by June the gutters are clogged, the driveway is full of weeds and the patio light bulbs need replacing. Sound familiar?

The best way to keep your home in good shape is by planning ahead. Assign two or three maintenance tasks for each month of the year. For example, January could be the month you repair the grouting in your bathroom and clean the air filters, while February is the month you get your carpets cleaned and service your air conditioner.

By spreading the tasks out over the year, youll hopefully avoid any unnecessary repairs and expenses.

4. Get ready for entertaining

After the holidays, you’ll be forgiven for never wanting to have guests in your home again, but that feeling will wear off as quickly as the Christmas jingles disappear from your head. And you’ll want to be entertainment-ready when it does!

Chances are while you were hosting over the festive season, you noticed you were low on some entertainment necessities like snack platters or wine glasses. Take stock of your kitchen and replace any items like glasses, cutlery, and platters so that you have what you need the next time you have guests over.

To get in the hosting mood, you can also create a new playlist, invest in a couple of scented candles and look up a new cocktail recipe. Then give your patio cushions a good clean, take a deep breath — and invite some friends over!

5. Finish off that DIY project 

There’s nothing quite as energy-sapping as an uncompleted project hanging over your head all year. Whether it’s the pile of picture frames waiting to be hung or the bathroom paint job you never got around to completing, set a deadline in your calendar and get it finished!

You’ll instantly feel like a DIY guru able to accomplish any task the year throws at you.

6. Fill your home with greenery

One easy way to make you and your home feel instantly refreshed is to introduce a couple of indoor plants into key living spaces. Not only will they help your home feel more pulled together, they’ll also clean the air and calm your nerves after a tough day at the office.

If you’re not much of a gardener or live in a water-scarce area, invest in plants that require little water and attention. Make sure you place them in an area where they will get enough sunlight and purchase pots that are the right size for their root system.

What other New Year’s Resolutions are you making for your home this year? We’d love you to share them with our community in the comments section below.


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